A Quick Look At Twitter

Twitter is like Marmite; people either love it or hate it.

Like it or not, if you work in affiliate marketing you need to seriously consider Twitter as a promotional tool.

Twitter is ideal for advertising and for branding and you can, and should, use the same account for both purposes.

The first thing you need to do is to get yourself a nice picture of your smiling face and upload it to your profile. Next you need to write your profile. Make your profile personal, not an advertisement (Save your ads for your Tweets). If you are blogging, add your blog as your website URL, if not then use your ApSense profile. Use your profile entirely for branding.

When you begin posting on Twitter balance your tweets between branding and advertising. Your branding tweets should offer help, advice, news, in fact anything that is personal to you or your reader and which adds value. Usually your branding tweets should not include a link.

You cannot over-brand but you can over-advertise. Your branding tweets will keep your followers reading, then when you post an add your add will get read too.

Balance your tweets at a minimum of 5 branding tweets to each advertising tweet and you should keep your readers and get sales.

You will also want to limit the number of tweets your post. I do not usually post more than 5 tweets per day, usually less.

My Twitter Profile

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