Tag Archives: ApSense

Every affiliate marketer should be a member of ApSense!

Apsense is a social network site, like Facebook, but it’s aimed primarily at people in the affiliate marketing industry. It is a place where you can meet other people in the industry and where you can keep up with current trends. It is also a place where you can build your reputation as an affiliate marketer and promote your offers. Spam isn’t a big issue either, because people have to be connected with you to post their offers for you to see.

If you are not a member of ApSense I strongly recommend it to you.

Are you already a member of ApSense?

If you are a member I’d be very happy to have you connect with me. Just mention this Website when you ask for the connection and I’ll approve it.

Connect with Vince Warner on ApSense

ApSense works best when you use it as a branding tool.

This is how I use it:

  • I write very short articles that people can read quickly but which give the reader something of value.
  • I create reviews (RevPages) of the programs that I’m currently involved with, making sure that they are genuine reviews and not just sales pitches (i.e. I point out the not so good bits as well as all the benefits).
  • I write short interesting updates regularly but not excessively, and very very occasionally post about a product or service that I have found useful.
  • I join in by answering questions, and occasionally asking some.
  • I give positive comments and feedback to other marketers’ offers etc. (when it is deserved)
  • I use campaigns to promote my articles which gains me more connections.

Doing these things on a regular basis helps me to get known by other Internet marketers. Getting yourself know and respected is what branding is all about.

There are many other things you can do to gain branding and recognition. ApSense is just the beginning, but an excellent beginning.